The word Gospel means “good news” and it is vitally important we understand that. The Bible is not a book that tells us what we have to do to earn our salvation. It is the Word of God that tells us what God did in Christ to secure our salvation. What He did was send His Son, Jesus. Jesus did for us what we could never do for ourselves. He paid for our sins by His crucifixion on the cross and the shedding of His blood.
God created human beings and intended for them to be ruling creatures over all the earth. We were supposed to be under God, but over everything else. We were supposed to rule over creation under the guidance and authority of God’s Word. That is how it was supposed to be, but unfortunately, Adam and Eve, sinned by choosing to disobey God’s Word. Basically, they wanted to be gods unto themselves, deciding good and evil. From that point, sin and death entered the world.
The heart of the Gospel is the Good News that Jesus (The Word) came as God in the flesh and has obeyed the Father perfectly without any sin. This made Him the perfect sacrifice for our sin that would satisfy the holy and righteous Father. Furthermore, through His sacrificial death on the cross, His blood has paid the debt that we owed to God for our sins. His resurrection from the dead gives us eternal life.
In Jesus, we can be saved by God’s grace through faith. It is the gift of God and has nothing to do with any of our works. All we must do is have faith in His death, burial and resurrection knowing His blood has paid for ALL our sins. In addition to Jesus dying on the cross is the great news that He rose from the dead and ascended into heaven where He is seated at the right hand of the Father. This is THE Gospel! This is the GREAT news!
God created human beings and intended for them to be ruling creatures over all the earth. We were supposed to be under God, but over everything else. We were supposed to rule over creation under the guidance and authority of God’s Word. That is how it was supposed to be, but unfortunately, Adam and Eve, sinned by choosing to disobey God’s Word. Basically, they wanted to be gods unto themselves, deciding good and evil. From that point, sin and death entered the world.
The heart of the Gospel is the Good News that Jesus (The Word) came as God in the flesh and has obeyed the Father perfectly without any sin. This made Him the perfect sacrifice for our sin that would satisfy the holy and righteous Father. Furthermore, through His sacrificial death on the cross, His blood has paid the debt that we owed to God for our sins. His resurrection from the dead gives us eternal life.
In Jesus, we can be saved by God’s grace through faith. It is the gift of God and has nothing to do with any of our works. All we must do is have faith in His death, burial and resurrection knowing His blood has paid for ALL our sins. In addition to Jesus dying on the cross is the great news that He rose from the dead and ascended into heaven where He is seated at the right hand of the Father. This is THE Gospel! This is the GREAT news!