I'm Broke(N)
Only you are responsible for some of your brokenness. That's right, no one but you. Self-inflicted brokenness. We either made the wrong decision or we made no decision at all. Why don't we make the right decisions? Does fear hold us back? Fear is not our enemy. It's what fear pushes us to do that is the real enemy. We break because we have put more pressure on ourselves than we can handle. We don't obey God's Word and as believers the Holy Spirit living on the inside of us is trying His hardest to lead us to make the right decision. That may be the lack of peace we are experiencing. God is pointing us in the right direction but are choosing another route. Brokenness can lead to hopelessness. That is as low as we can go. We must make Godly decisions. It may hurt in the moment but going God's way will bring peace down the road. Only God can fix broken. The choices you make are your own. As husbands and wives, fathers and mothers, your choices affect much more that just you.